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Lesson Plan

Lesson 1.2

 Preventing Violent Extremist 



RL/RI.X.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it;  cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn for text. 


SL.X.2 Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats.


W.X.8 Assess the credibility and accuracy of sources.

Material and Media Text

  • Reading, page 2-4

  • Worksheet page 4.

  • Optional: One Media Literacy Smartphone card for each student.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn more about how hoaxes are used as a political tool.

  • Participe in a small group discussion with guided reflection.

  • Consider how media text can inform, persuade and entertain.

  • Develop informal public speaking skills.


  1. Students read the abridged text (for college level - full text, see the link below) and annotate it by underlining key ideas.

  2. They work in groups or pairs to discuss reactions and interpretations.

  3. They analyze the text using 5 critical questions.

  4. Each groups presents 1-2 key ideas generated by the discussion.

  5. Students complete a brief reflective writing activity after the discussion.


Students selected 1 or more question for brief reflective writing:


  1. Did all students in your small group participate in the discussion? Why or why not?

  2. Wich of the 5 critical questions was more interesting to you? Why?

  3. In your small group, what were some signs that others were engaged in active listening?

  4. What new knowledge or new ideas did you gain from learning about other people´s interpretations?

 Why Propaganda Education Matters 

Read the award-winning 2020 book by Renee Hobbs, Mind Over Media: Propaganda Education in a Digital Age!


This web platform provides an opportunity to explore the subject of contemporary propaganda by hosting thousands of examples of 21st century propaganda from around the world. Users can upload, examine and discuss examples of propaganda from our own daily lives.


By examining propaganda, rating its potential impact, and commenting on it, people share their interpretations with others. Lesson plans deepen the learning by offering additional information, structuring discussion activities, and enabling students to demonstrate their learning through multimedia production experiences.

During the 20th century, there was plenty of public discourse about propaganda. Unfortunately, in recent years, the study of propaganda has diminished in many educational settings. At the same time, we are surrounded by more than ever with near-constant exposure to advertising, the 24-hour news cycle, and an ever-expanding array of information and entertainment media. Misinformation, disinformation, partisanship and conspiracy theories are part of the media environment. With the significant volume of messages in our daily lives coming in so many forms and from so many different channels, it can be difficult to recognize propaganda.


Today, people might feel overwhelmed by all the media in our lives, which can lead to a "tuning-out" phenomenon where we are exposed to propaganda but do not actively recognize how it is influencing our emotions, attitudes, knowledge and behavior.


Critical thinking about propaganda and understanding propaganda's intent are crucial responsibilities of citizenship in the twenty-first century. By entering into a discussion about contemporary propaganda, we are invited to think about the power of communication and our responsibilities as both authors and audiences. Discussion of new forms of propaganda enables to examine questions about the use and potential impact of new media and technologies.


This site allows educators and students to explore the subject of propaganda by actively engaging in dialogue, interpretation, and analysis. Learners may examine propaganda from their local communities on topics of particular interest to them or explore propaganda from from around the world to stimulate intellectual curiosity. 

 Reading & Discussion 

Instructions: After reading the article, make notes to help you to answer these questions.

​Write down the names of small group members.

1.- Who is the Author and What is the Purpouse?

2.- What Techniques are Used to Attract and Hold your Attention?

3.- What Lifestyle, Values and Points of View are Depicted?

4.- How Might Different People Interpretate This Message Differently?

5.- What is Omitted from this Media Message?

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